

九月 27, 2018

AstenJohnson Williston Hits Safety Milestone

On Thursday, September 27, Williston reached a Safety Milestone with two consecutive years of being recordable free. This is a great achievement! It takes hard work and commitment from everyone. We celebrated this week with a steak and chicken BBQ for all four shifts provided by the Safety Steering Team. Members of the Safety Team worked the grill and served everyone, even in the rain. Lisa Chandler brought in homemade apple pies with “Safety First” written in the crust for her shift.



阿斯顿强生是一家全球纸浆和造纸机用织物、无纺及过滤织物、单丝以及用于过滤、汽车、现场固化管道和复合材料的非织造织物制造商。本公司在欧洲、亚洲和北美均设有生产设备,公司总部位于南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿。阿斯顿强生强调其创新产品的质量,并基于安全、卓越、诚信、以人为本和可持续发展五大价值观,与客户、合 �伙伴、供应商和社区建立了长期合作关系。以上这些价值观共同提高了客户满意度。
